Alpha – Exfoliating Acids

(Glycolic, Lactic, etc.)

These naturally derived acids (though there are also synthetic versions) are used in concentrations that vary widely in skincare products. They are highly charged molecules and lead quickly to skincare product addiction because of skin weakening from their use.

The explosion in the use of these acids (Google “alphahydroxy acids” for more information that the Skin Dork will not re-hash here) in skincare came about in the mid 1980’s and has not abated. The reason is simple: your skin looks smooth and finely textured for several days afterward because it has been exfoliated by these acids.

This leads to excessive use, especially among those who have blackheads and acne, clogged pores and oily skin. Frequent application is excessive use. Frequent application is once per week or more and for some once every two weeks.

Excessive use is inflammatory, sensitizing and causes premature aging. Why?

Let’s understand a few things and get some background.

The exfoliation process using these alpha acids will attack viable (living) cells in the epidermis. The epidermis produces new cells down at the dermal/epidermal level where stem cells locate. The new cells rise up to the surface of the skin over a 30 day period. Then they slough off. The cells change in form and function as they go through their 30 day life span.

The number of times in your lifetime you will enjoy this 30 day metabolic process is limited. You can only have so many turnovers. This varies from person to person. We do know that this process creates more and more imperfect cells as we age. It is not so much that the 30 day switch gets turned off as it is a decrease in the quality and quantity of the cells. The quality of the cells is the real issue. Eventually though, all skin metabolism stops, no more cell turnovers in the epidermis and if you are still alive you see grandma skin: papery thin parchment that is virtually impervious.

Grandma skin begins for most of us around 30 years old (that number again, hmm). By 30 years old 50% of your skin is dysfunctional, depleted and not going to come back. For some people in their 30’s who have relied on frequent applications of skincare containing highly charged molecules like acids, their skin is considerably older than their age.

Part of this normal skin aging is caused by the body protecting itself against the environment. With more exposure to the world as we age, the skin makes choices between protection and cell integrity. The skin is there to protect the internal organs. That is its primary function. It will sacrifice itself to do that. Grandma skin does not allow anything to penetrate, including water.

We are seeing more and more grandma skin at younger and younger ages. The cause is skincare products.

Penetration of things in the environment into the skin often creates inflammation. The skin has an army of defenses it can employ and does so very effectively for most of us. But there is a limit to abuse.

When you apply skincare that contains exfoliating acids you increase the rate of turnover in the epidermis. You accelerate the aging process. You increase the quantity of cells in your skin, which may seem desirable, but the quality of those cells is very poor. They are deformed, fragmentary and are sandbags put up by the skin defenses to protect the internal organs. This is a classic inflammatory reaction.

The skin weakens with continued application, it becomes dependent, addicted. This would seem to be counter-intuitive but not if you understand that skin is the visible immune system. Addiction in whatever form or venue always leads to catastrophic cellular metabolism, weakness and dependency. The brain is in command and if the brain wants to do stupid things, the body will go along. Mind over matter also can do the opposite and strongly enhance the immune system.

The skin doesn’t know you want to look smooth. It thinks it is under attack by highly charged molecules. It becomes very sensitive and often flare ups occur even when you have applied nothing to your skin! A simple fragrance in the air can trigger a flare up for skin that has been sensitized.

To avoid premature aging, a weak drab look, sensitivity, flare ups, unstable skin with blemishes out of control, addiction and an unnatural looking skin, avoid these acids.


An occasional peel of a low concentration acid once or twice a year will do no harm. More frequent use and you are dancing with the devil.

People who use acids frequently also apply moisturizers and sunscreens and masks and makeup. These are product junkies. Nothing good will come from this routine. If this is you, stop today. Everything.

Withdrawal will cause a very unsightly skin for a week, sometimes longer especially if BENZOYL PEROXIDE based cleansers are in play.

Getting your skin back to a metabolic baseline is essential.



Alpha – Exfoliating Acids

(Glycolic, Lactic, etc.)

These naturally derived acids (though there are also synthetic versions) are used in concentrations that vary widely in skincare products. They are highly charged molecules and lead quickly to skincare product addiction because of skin weakening from their use.

The explosion in the use of these acids (Google “alphahydroxy acids” for more information that the Skin Dork will not re-hash here) in skincare came about in the mid 1980’s and has not abated. The reason is simple: your skin looks smooth and finely textured for several days afterward because it has been exfoliated by these acids.

This leads to excessive use, especially among those who have blackheads and acne, clogged pores and oily skin. Frequent application is excessive use. Frequent application is once per week or more and for some once every two weeks.

Excessive use is inflammatory, sensitizing and causes premature aging. Why?

Let’s understand a few things and get some background.

The exfoliation process using these alpha acids will attack viable (living) cells in the epidermis. The epidermis produces new cells down at the dermal/epidermal level where stem cells locate. The new cells rise up to the surface of the skin over a 30 day period. Then they slough off. The cells change in form and function as they go through their 30 day life span.

The number of times in your lifetime you will enjoy this 30 day metabolic process is limited. You can only have so many turnovers. This varies from person to person. We do know that this process creates more and more imperfect cells as we age. It is not so much that the 30 day switch gets turned off as it is a decrease in the quality and quantity of the cells. The quality of the cells is the real issue. Eventually though, all skin metabolism stops, no more cell turnovers in the epidermis and if you are still alive you see grandma skin: papery thin parchment that is virtually impervious.

Grandma skin begins for most of us around 30 years old (that number again, hmm). By 30 years old 50% of your skin is dysfunctional, depleted and not going to come back. For some people in their 30’s who have relied on frequent applications of skincare containing highly charged molecules like acids, their skin is considerably older than their age.

Part of this normal skin aging is caused by the body protecting itself against the environment. With more exposure to the world as we age, the skin makes choices between protection and cell integrity. The skin is there to protect the internal organs. That is its primary function. It will sacrifice itself to do that. Grandma skin does not allow anything to penetrate, including water.

We are seeing more and more grandma skin at younger and younger ages. The cause is skincare products.

Penetration of things in the environment into the skin often creates inflammation. The skin has an army of defenses it can employ and does so very effectively for most of us. But there is a limit to abuse.

When you apply skincare that contains exfoliating acids you increase the rate of turnover in the epidermis. You accelerate the aging process. You increase the quantity of cells in your skin, which may seem desirable, but the quality of those cells is very poor. They are deformed, fragmentary and are sandbags put up by the skin defenses to protect the internal organs. This is a classic inflammatory reaction.

The skin weakens with continued application, it becomes dependent, addicted. This would seem to be counter-intuitive but not if you understand that skin is the visible immune system. Addiction in whatever form or venue always leads to catastrophic cellular metabolism, weakness and dependency. The brain is in command and if the brain wants to do stupid things, the body will go along. Mind over matter also can do the opposite and strongly enhance the immune system.

The skin doesn’t know you want to look smooth. It thinks it is under attack by highly charged molecules. It becomes very sensitive and often flare ups occur even when you have applied nothing to your skin! A simple fragrance in the air can trigger a flare up for skin that has been sensitized.

To avoid premature aging, a weak drab look, sensitivity, flare ups, unstable skin with blemishes out of control, addiction and an unnatural looking skin, avoid these acids.


An occasional peel of a low concentration acid once or twice a year will do no harm. More frequent use and you are dancing with the devil.

People who use acids frequently also apply moisturizers and sunscreens and masks and makeup. These are product junkies. Nothing good will come from this routine. If this is you, stop today. Everything.

Withdrawal will cause a very unsightly skin for a week, sometimes longer especially if BENZOYL PEROXIDE based cleansers are in play.

Getting your skin back to a metabolic baseline is essential.



Alpha – Exfoliating Acids

(Glycolic, Lactic, etc.)

These naturally derived acids (though there are also synthetic versions) are used in concentrations that vary widely in skincare products. They are highly charged molecules and lead quickly to skincare product addiction because of skin weakening from their use.

The explosion in the use of these acids (Google “alphahydroxy acids” for more information that the Skin Dork will not re-hash here) in skincare came about in the mid 1980’s and has not abated. The reason is simple: your skin looks smooth and finely textured for several days afterward because it has been exfoliated by these acids.

This leads to excessive use, especially among those who have blackheads and acne, clogged pores and oily skin. Frequent application is excessive use. Frequent application is once per week or more and for some once every two weeks.

Excessive use is inflammatory, sensitizing and causes premature aging. Why?

Let’s understand a few things and get some background.

The exfoliation process using these alpha acids will attack viable (living) cells in the epidermis. The epidermis produces new cells down at the dermal/epidermal level where stem cells locate. The new cells rise up to the surface of the skin over a 30 day period. Then they slough off. The cells change in form and function as they go through their 30 day life span.

The number of times in your lifetime you will enjoy this 30 day metabolic process is limited. You can only have so many turnovers. This varies from person to person. We do know that this process creates more and more imperfect cells as we age. It is not so much that the 30 day switch gets turned off as it is a decrease in the quality and quantity of the cells. The quality of the cells is the real issue. Eventually though, all skin metabolism stops, no more cell turnovers in the epidermis and if you are still alive you see grandma skin: papery thin parchment that is virtually impervious.

Grandma skin begins for most of us around 30 years old (that number again, hmm). By 30 years old 50% of your skin is dysfunctional, depleted and not going to come back. For some people in their 30’s who have relied on frequent applications of skincare containing highly charged molecules like acids, their skin is considerably older than their age.

Part of this normal skin aging is caused by the body protecting itself against the environment. With more exposure to the world as we age, the skin makes choices between protection and cell integrity. The skin is there to protect the internal organs. That is its primary function. It will sacrifice itself to do that. Grandma skin does not allow anything to penetrate, including water.

We are seeing more and more grandma skin at younger and younger ages. The cause is skincare products.

Penetration of things in the environment into the skin often creates inflammation. The skin has an army of defenses it can employ and does so very effectively for most of us. But there is a limit to abuse.

When you apply skincare that contains exfoliating acids you increase the rate of turnover in the epidermis. You accelerate the aging process. You increase the quantity of cells in your skin, which may seem desirable, but the quality of those cells is very poor. They are deformed, fragmentary and are sandbags put up by the skin defenses to protect the internal organs. This is a classic inflammatory reaction.

The skin weakens with continued application, it becomes dependent, addicted. This would seem to be counter-intuitive but not if you understand that skin is the visible immune system. Addiction in whatever form or venue always leads to catastrophic cellular metabolism, weakness and dependency. The brain is in command and if the brain wants to do stupid things, the body will go along. Mind over matter also can do the opposite and strongly enhance the immune system.

The skin doesn’t know you want to look smooth. It thinks it is under attack by highly charged molecules. It becomes very sensitive and often flare ups occur even when you have applied nothing to your skin! A simple fragrance in the air can trigger a flare up for skin that has been sensitized.

To avoid premature aging, a weak drab look, sensitivity, flare ups, unstable skin with blemishes out of control, addiction and an unnatural looking skin, avoid these acids.


An occasional peel of a low concentration acid once or twice a year will do no harm. More frequent use and you are dancing with the devil.

People who use acids frequently also apply moisturizers and sunscreens and masks and makeup. These are product junkies. Nothing good will come from this routine. If this is you, stop today. Everything.

Withdrawal will cause a very unsightly skin for a week, sometimes longer especially if BENZOYL PEROXIDE based cleansers are in play.

Getting your skin back to a metabolic baseline is essential.



Alpha – Exfoliating Acids

(Glycolic, Lactic, etc.)

These naturally derived acids (though there are also synthetic versions) are used in concentrations that vary widely in skincare products. They are highly charged molecules and lead quickly to skincare product addiction because of skin weakening from their use.

The explosion in the use of these acids (Google “alphahydroxy acids” for more information that the Skin Dork will not re-hash here) in skincare came about in the mid 1980’s and has not abated. The reason is simple: your skin looks smooth and finely textured for several days afterward because it has been exfoliated by these acids.

This leads to excessive use, especially among those who have blackheads and acne, clogged pores and oily skin. Frequent application is excessive use. Frequent application is once per week or more and for some once every two weeks.

Excessive use is inflammatory, sensitizing and causes premature aging. Why?

Let’s understand a few things and get some background.

The exfoliation process using these alpha acids will attack viable (living) cells in the epidermis. The epidermis produces new cells down at the dermal/epidermal level where stem cells locate. The new cells rise up to the surface of the skin over a 30 day period. Then they slough off. The cells change in form and function as they go through their 30 day life span.

The number of times in your lifetime you will enjoy this 30 day metabolic process is limited. You can only have so many turnovers. This varies from person to person. We do know that this process creates more and more imperfect cells as we age. It is not so much that the 30 day switch gets turned off as it is a decrease in the quality and quantity of the cells. The quality of the cells is the real issue. Eventually though, all skin metabolism stops, no more cell turnovers in the epidermis and if you are still alive you see grandma skin: papery thin parchment that is virtually impervious.

Grandma skin begins for most of us around 30 years old (that number again, hmm). By 30 years old 50% of your skin is dysfunctional, depleted and not going to come back. For some people in their 30’s who have relied on frequent applications of skincare containing highly charged molecules like acids, their skin is considerably older than their age.

Part of this normal skin aging is caused by the body protecting itself against the environment. With more exposure to the world as we age, the skin makes choices between protection and cell integrity. The skin is there to protect the internal organs. That is its primary function. It will sacrifice itself to do that. Grandma skin does not allow anything to penetrate, including water.

We are seeing more and more grandma skin at younger and younger ages. The cause is skincare products.

Penetration of things in the environment into the skin often creates inflammation. The skin has an army of defenses it can employ and does so very effectively for most of us. But there is a limit to abuse.

When you apply skincare that contains exfoliating acids you increase the rate of turnover in the epidermis. You accelerate the aging process. You increase the quantity of cells in your skin, which may seem desirable, but the quality of those cells is very poor. They are deformed, fragmentary and are sandbags put up by the skin defenses to protect the internal organs. This is a classic inflammatory reaction.

The skin weakens with continued application, it becomes dependent, addicted. This would seem to be counter-intuitive but not if you understand that skin is the visible immune system. Addiction in whatever form or venue always leads to catastrophic cellular metabolism, weakness and dependency. The brain is in command and if the brain wants to do stupid things, the body will go along. Mind over matter also can do the opposite and strongly enhance the immune system.

The skin doesn’t know you want to look smooth. It thinks it is under attack by highly charged molecules. It becomes very sensitive and often flare ups occur even when you have applied nothing to your skin! A simple fragrance in the air can trigger a flare up for skin that has been sensitized.

To avoid premature aging, a weak drab look, sensitivity, flare ups, unstable skin with blemishes out of control, addiction and an unnatural looking skin, avoid these acids.


An occasional peel of a low concentration acid once or twice a year will do no harm. More frequent use and you are dancing with the devil.

People who use acids frequently also apply moisturizers and sunscreens and masks and makeup. These are product junkies. Nothing good will come from this routine. If this is you, stop today. Everything.

Withdrawal will cause a very unsightly skin for a week, sometimes longer especially if BENZOYL PEROXIDE based cleansers are in play.

Getting your skin back to a metabolic baseline is essential.

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