Skin Bumps

Along Forehead and the Body

What happens when you sweat? Microparticles of dirt, squames, airborne aerosols of grease, little tiny bugs, pollen, gossip, foolishness, rumors and space dust collect there. Especially around the scalp.

If you dye your hair it is likely the scalp is irritated slightly or a lot. Ask your salon guru to use an ammonia based neutralizer next time. Most pros already do.

If you work out often, especially in high humidity areas, you get bumps near your scalp easier and more frequently. Annoying and unsightly things. Olympic athletes often have lousy skin, btw.

Solution 1 – for now and then bumps: hand sanitizer BEFORE and AFTER you work out will knock these back most of the time. This doesn’t always work but worth a try. BUT you must use a fragrance free sanitizer – and finding a hand sanitizer without a fragrance is a chore. The combination of SD alcohol and fragrance chemistry (aldehydes, ketones, etc.) can easily set off bad signals deep in the skin and make the bumps itch and get red.

Solution 2 – REVIVE. Apply as a lotion BEFORE the workout (and that could be hours before) and then SOON AFTER the workout apply either or these as a cleanser. Rinse. Pat dry.

Bumps around the body are visible epidermal cells that have clumped together and not sloughed off. Clinically it is described variously but usually as keratosis pilaris or KP.

One method to alleviate this is to apply a low concentration of salicylic acid (2%) usually found in an over the counter cleanser. Or, have a studio peel using a higher concentration or even an alpha acid. Whatever you choose, do not let this become a frequent method or use it over a wide area or you risk a toxic systemic response.



Skin Bumps

Along Forehead and the Body

What happens when you sweat? Microparticles of dirt, squames, airborne aerosols of grease, little tiny bugs, pollen, gossip, foolishness, rumors and space dust collect there. Especially around the scalp.

If you dye your hair it is likely the scalp is irritated slightly or a lot. Ask your salon guru to use an ammonia based neutralizer next time. Most pros already do.

If you work out often, especially in high humidity areas, you get bumps near your scalp easier and more frequently. Annoying and unsightly things. Olympic athletes often have lousy skin, btw.

Solution 1 – for now and then bumps: hand sanitizer BEFORE and AFTER you work out will knock these back most of the time. This doesn’t always work but worth a try. BUT you must use a fragrance free sanitizer – and finding a hand sanitizer without a fragrance is a chore. The combination of SD alcohol and fragrance chemistry (aldehydes, ketones, etc.) can easily set off bad signals deep in the skin and make the bumps itch and get red.

Solution 2 – REVIVE. Apply as a lotion BEFORE the workout (and that could be hours before) and then SOON AFTER the workout apply either or these as a cleanser. Rinse. Pat dry.

Bumps around the body are visible epidermal cells that have clumped together and not sloughed off. Clinically it is described variously but usually as keratosis pilaris or KP.

One method to alleviate this is to apply a low concentration of salicylic acid (2%) usually found in an over the counter cleanser. Or, have a studio peel using a higher concentration or even an alpha acid. Whatever you choose, do not let this become a frequent method or use it over a wide area or you risk a toxic systemic response.



Skin Bumps

Along Forehead and the Body

What happens when you sweat? Microparticles of dirt, squames, airborne aerosols of grease, little tiny bugs, pollen, gossip, foolishness, rumors and space dust collect there. Especially around the scalp.

If you dye your hair it is likely the scalp is irritated slightly or a lot. Ask your salon guru to use an ammonia based neutralizer next time. Most pros already do.

If you work out often, especially in high humidity areas, you get bumps near your scalp easier and more frequently. Annoying and unsightly things. Olympic athletes often have lousy skin, btw.

Solution 1 – for now and then bumps: hand sanitizer BEFORE and AFTER you work out will knock these back most of the time. This doesn’t always work but worth a try. BUT you must use a fragrance free sanitizer – and finding a hand sanitizer without a fragrance is a chore. The combination of SD alcohol and fragrance chemistry (aldehydes, ketones, etc.) can easily set off bad signals deep in the skin and make the bumps itch and get red.

Solution 2 – REVIVE. Apply as a lotion BEFORE the workout (and that could be hours before) and then SOON AFTER the workout apply either or these as a cleanser. Rinse. Pat dry.

Bumps around the body are visible epidermal cells that have clumped together and not sloughed off. Clinically it is described variously but usually as keratosis pilaris or KP.

One method to alleviate this is to apply a low concentration of salicylic acid (2%) usually found in an over the counter cleanser. Or, have a studio peel using a higher concentration or even an alpha acid. Whatever you choose, do not let this become a frequent method or use it over a wide area or you risk a toxic systemic response.



Skin Bumps

Along Forehead and the Body

What happens when you sweat? Microparticles of dirt, squames, airborne aerosols of grease, little tiny bugs, pollen, gossip, foolishness, rumors and space dust collect there. Especially around the scalp.

If you dye your hair it is likely the scalp is irritated slightly or a lot. Ask your salon guru to use an ammonia based neutralizer next time. Most pros already do.

If you work out often, especially in high humidity areas, you get bumps near your scalp easier and more frequently. Annoying and unsightly things. Olympic athletes often have lousy skin, btw.

Solution 1 – for now and then bumps: hand sanitizer BEFORE and AFTER you work out will knock these back most of the time. This doesn’t always work but worth a try. BUT you must use a fragrance free sanitizer – and finding a hand sanitizer without a fragrance is a chore. The combination of SD alcohol and fragrance chemistry (aldehydes, ketones, etc.) can easily set off bad signals deep in the skin and make the bumps itch and get red.

Solution 2 – REVIVE. Apply as a lotion BEFORE the workout (and that could be hours before) and then SOON AFTER the workout apply either or these as a cleanser. Rinse. Pat dry.

Bumps around the body are visible epidermal cells that have clumped together and not sloughed off. Clinically it is described variously but usually as keratosis pilaris or KP.

One method to alleviate this is to apply a low concentration of salicylic acid (2%) usually found in an over the counter cleanser. Or, have a studio peel using a higher concentration or even an alpha acid. Whatever you choose, do not let this become a frequent method or use it over a wide area or you risk a toxic systemic response.

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